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Ski Swap Public Notes

Ski Swap Public Notes

Buying & Selling Equipment

  1. You must wear a mask while in the Highlands Nordic building. Please respect this policy. 
  2. There is no cost to put equipment into the ski swap, however 15% of all sales goes to theHighlands Trailblazers Ski Club. All sales are processed through the Highlands Trailblazer Race Society, then cheques are mailed out. 
  3. You will need to book a time slot to enter the ski swap. Each time slot will be for 1 hour. Each person entering the swap needs to book a time slot. There will be a $10 charge to book your time slot, which will act as a credit towards your ski swap purchase. There will be an option to “drop in” on Saturday October 31st, 2020 between 1:45PM to 3:45PM. There is no charge to drop in, although we cannot guarantee when you will be able to enter the swap.
  4. The Ski Swap runs from 10AM to 4PM on Saturday, and on Sunday from 9PM to 2PM. Time slots will be spaced out according. 
  5. We will start receiving equipment on October 19th, 2020 at 9:00am. Equipment must be dropped off by 5:00pm on October 28th, 2020.
  6. Any unsold items not picked up by 5:00pm on Sunday November 8th, 2020 (unless otherwise arranged) will automatically be considered a donation to Highlands Trailblazers.
  7. Please refrain from touching or handling merchandise as much as possible unless you plan on making a purchase. 
  8. Cleaning procedure. There will be a 15 minute window between each time slot to wipe down equipment, washrooms, clean the high contact areas and tidy up equipment to make it easier to find things. 
  9. Due to the high demand of service needs during the ski swap, we are unable to provide binding installs, ski waxing and other in depth ski service “while you wait” during the ski swap. There will be service intake where we can sort out what you need. Any service equipment dropped off during the ski swap will be ready for pick up by Saturday November 7th, 2020.

Tips For Purchasing Kids Equipment

As we are limited to the number of people we are able to allow in the swap. We suggest recreational classic skiers 10 years and under stay home, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get them set up for season!

Here are some steps that will assist you and our volunteers to get the young skier in your life set up for the winter.

  1. Trace your skiers foot on a piece of cardboard or cardstock. This will allow us to compare their foot to the insole of the ski boot. We suggest going a little bigger to get about 2 years of use. Fill the boot with an extra insole, and put on a good ski sock. Once that gets too tight you can take the extra insole out. 
  2. Measure up to their shoulder in centimetres. This will be for their ski poles. This measurement is a little taller than the typical ski pole sizing. This sizing would typically get about 2 years of use out of the equipment. If you plan on just using the equipment for 1 season measure up to their armpit. New skiers 5 years and under do not need ski poles.
  3. Measure to the top of their head in centimetres. This will be for their skis. Depending on their ability we will choose a ski from head height to 10cm over top of their head. At this age having their weight is not as important. Kids skis are designed to be soft, which means the ski makes more contact with the snow to give them more control. 

How Your Equipment Will Be Prepared – we will assist you

  1. Fill out Ski Swap File. Create a code to represent you, with your initials then combine the code and an individual number for each item. 
  2. Write out tag each item like the attached picture. Make sure to include your code, size (European), description, and price. Repeat the same information twice on the tag. We can give you a suggested price range, however you must be the one to set the final price. Ski Swap attendees will not be able to barter with the price.
  3. Tag each item. Fasten the tag securely to the item. 
  4. Keep equipment together! Use an elastic to keep skis together (tape around skis will have to be cut for ski testing). Use tape to keep poles together. Use string to tie boots together, please make sure string is at least 24 inch’s long so that boots can easily be tried on without cutting.

Sample of Ski Swap Tag